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Liquid product, soild salinity corrector, that provides easily assimilable calcium in combination with organic matter, surfactant agents, and carbohydrates. It has high penetration power and ease of assimilation.

... increases the quality and yield of your crops and the growth of your roots. Basalt rock flour is the most effective mineral amendment, essential to respect one of the 3 M's of organic farming, and no less important than ...

Multiply the growths of your crops. Correct the soil acidity of your crops, Cal Dolomita Plus provides 30% Calcio and 23% Magnesium, with this we increase the growth potential of your crops and make the fertilizers 50% more efficient, ...

Mineravi presents an innovative and ecological biodynamic compost: a fusion of 80% mushroom compost and 20% volcanic lava. This combination not only provides rich organic and mineral matter to the crop land, but also enhances the growth ...



... Improves plant health and immunity. Stimulating plant growth and nutrient uptake. FUNCTION Biomex Plus is applied as a soil amendment at planting. The beneficial bacteria colonise the area around the roots, growing ...

Much more than a simple manure. Terrafumur® is made from two sources of organic matter, an animal source and a plant source: grape pomace. This composition offers gardeners and professional growers the double benefit of immediate fertilisation—thanks ...
Florentaise Pro

-Loosens heavy clay soils and promotes drainage -Corrects salty alkaline soils -Contains calcium and sulfer -Easy to apply - not dusty

Organic amendment Approved for use in organic agriculture INCREASING HUMUS CONTENT -Complete NPK balance: 1,8-0,5-0,7 -High OM content -Restoring the cation exchange capacity -Optimizes the clay-humic complex -Rapid ...

organic amendmentKamasol® Aqua
Liquid concentrate irrigation water optimizer and humectant soil conditioner. Increases water infiltration and lateral distribution in the soil. -Reduces water surface tension -Reduces run-off of irrigation water -Increases the water ...

TRICOBEST is a high quality and highly soluble concentrate of humic acids which come from Leonardite, enriched with a microbial inoculant, made from a strain selected from the fungus Trichoderma harzianum (strain IABTH01). TRICOBEST ...
Quimicas Meristem S.L.

Brunnings Cow Manure is a natural, organic material which is an ideal soil conditioner and manure for adding to light, sandy soils or heavy soils lacking in organic matter. -Enhances development of the root system. -Improves soil ...

Particle Size:5--10 mesh Water Absorption Rate:≥400 Potassium Content (%):≥10 Application:Suitable for sandy soil Potassium Polyacrylate SDK351, an innovative solution crafted for a variety of soil types. Specifically effective ...

The natural candy Stimulators Cane Molasses – Concentration 1:1000 – NPK 1-0-3 Sweeter fruits Vitasol is an organic stimulator which develops a sweeter taste in any treated plant. The beneficial bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi inside ...

Organic soil conditioner obtained by fractionation of pig slurry and organic products High in sulphate and potassium. Agronomic values Stable organic matter (ISMO)= 30% or 100 kg humus per tonne applied. The phosphorus and potassium ...

organic amendmentWORM•HUMUS™
What is Worm·Humus? Worm humus, also known as vermicast, is the final product of decomposed material excreted by the king of the soil – the earthworm. This high quality organic compost is made from 100% pure, organic worm castings that ...

Extracts of Ascophyllum nodosum seaweeds The seaweed extracts are rich in nutrients, natural bio-stimulants and conditioners that act in synergy to improve plant development and soil properties.

Apex® 26 SL is a liquid concentrate with a high content of humic and fulvic acids, which enhances root development of both main and secondary roots. Thanks to the balance of Apex® 26 SL, rich in fulvic acids, the product provides: •Rapid ...

... premium-grade biochar infused with RENEGYSiS™ and aims to restore carbon levels in the soil by containing high-value organic soil amendments. This highly porous product becomes an ideal habitat for microorganisms and ...

MILES® is a preparation of Equisetum Arvense L. obtained by maceration and subsequent decoction of the aerial part of this plant, the use of which allows the prevention and control of the incidence and development of numerous fungi-pathogens. The ...

BioAktiv Professional Liquid Manure SAL significantly promotes the decaying process in manure by stimulating the aerobic bacteria. The acrid ammonia smell is reduced and floating and sinking layers are dissolved. Expensive stirring of ...

FERTITECHTM I LIQUID ENERGY 320 is humic acid that comes from leonardite. It is presented as a highly concentrated liquid solution made from humic and fulvic acids. FERTITECHTM I LIQUID ENERGY 320 improves nitrogen use and fixing capacity ...

Grotek Premium Worm Castings are a humus-rich foundation for desirable soil. This product promotes nutrient availability, improves moisture holding capacity, and enhances soil structure, all of which are key to rapid plant growth. The ...

SUSTANE CONCENTRATED COMPOST Suståne Concentrated Compost for Rebuilding Depleted Soils and Providing Rapid Vegetative Establishment in Environmentally Sensitive Areas Description: Suståne Concentrated Compost provides the benefits ...
Suståne Natural Fertilizer Inc

Culbac® Hay products are concentrated, fermented preservatives for legume and grass hay available in liquid and dry forms. Culbac® Hay is specifically formulated for high-moisture baling, allowing the user to capture more leaf material ...

Soil amendment Beneficial bacteria Beneficial bacteria (Bacillus): Increases the aerobic decomposition in the soil 10,000,000,000 CFU/g (1x1010 CFU/g) CFU = Colony Forming Units
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