- Farm Management >
- Measuring instrument >
- Meat analyzer
Meat analyzers
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-Basic model emphasizing basic performance -Minimum moisture content display 0.01%, weight display 5 mg -Drift reduction using auto taring -Two types of measurement modes: auto and timed Specifications Measurement method - ...

-Mid-class model of infrared moisture analyzer -Minimum moisture content display 0.01%, weight display 1mg -Features infrared quartz heater that achieves high drying-efficiency -Six types of measurement modes Specifications Measurement ...

-Flagship model of infrared moisture analyzer -Minimum moisture content display 0.01%, weight display 1mg -Dual temperature control even monitors on-tray temperatures -Significantly shortened measurement time compared ...

100% control of your meat process with continuous real-time measurements of all the meat. Easy to integrate in-line into production, scanning up to approx. 38 tonnes per hour. Standard options include ...

100% control of your meat process with continuous real-time measurements of boxed meat, scanning up to app 38 tonnes per hour. At only 1,58 meters the MeatMaster™ II C X-ray fat analyser ...

FoodScan™ Meat Analyser is a fast, accurate and easy to use instrument for analysing all stages of meat production - from checking incoming raw material to final product control with ...

FoodScan™ Fish Analyser is a fast, accurate and easy to use instrument for analysing all stages of fish production - from checking incoming raw material to final product control with results in just 50 seconds.

MeatScan™ is an easy, flexible and cost effective meat analyser for routine fat and moisture analysis. With MeatScan™ you can standardise the meat fat content in batches and avoid over ...

100% control of your poultry MDM production. The ProFoss™ in-line poultry MDM analysis solution gives you continuous measurements allowing you to make real-time adjustments to meet fat targets in each batch.

The FoodScan™ 2 Fish Meat Analyser is the new gold standard for fast, accurate and easy analysis of fish meat and processed fish meat products. It can be used in all ...

Food, pharmacy, meat, fruits and vegetables, resins, glue, semi-solids, gels and gellatin, bread and bakery, dough, packages, foams - According to Bloom, Warner Bratzler shear force, AOCS and more.. You can adjust ...
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