Metal fence staples

6 companies | 18 products
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metal fence staple
metal fence staple

Metal staples for anti-weed textile Professional staples for fixing COVER PRO and COVER HG to the ground. In pack of 20 pieces or 100 pieces.

metal fence staple
metal fence staple

The MRT FENCE STAPLES double notched or smooth: a quality alternative for fixing mesh, barbed wires or wires to wooden posts. Used for vineyards as well as for fencing for cows, pigs, sheep, etc. The ...

galvanised steel staple
galvanised steel staple

Gauge 14. Finishes Glued and taped galvanized steel, glued stainless steel and glued plasticized green.

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steel staple
steel staple

U-shaped staple Pieces per box: 100 Box dimension: 21x21x18 cm

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steel staple
steel staple
466XXX Series

Steel serrated nails 4 mm diameter for fixing mulch fabrics to the ground Their special shape and structure allow them to penetrate the fabric without tearing it, and ensure maximum hold to the ground. 100 pieces per pack.

galvanised steel fence staple
galvanised steel fence staple
500 UN

The Galvanized Steel Vineyard Staple are used to attach the movable wires to each side of the wooden posts. Its harpoons have an excellent pulling behaviour, preventing the wood from breaking.

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