Sugar beets haulm toppers

6 companies | 9 products
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sugar beet haulm topper
sugar beet haulm topper
KS series

Row width: 3.5, 4 mm

... efficient mechanical haulm control The ROPA haulm topper is far more than just a tool to make potato harvesting easier. As an increasingly important supplement or even alternative to conventional crop ...

sugar beet haulm topper
sugar beet haulm topper
FM 300

Row width: 45, 50 cm

... between the rows and a combination of steel- and rubber flails, working along the beet rows. The second cleaning shaft consists of rubber flails, which are fitted above the beet rows. The so-called ...

sugar beet defoliator
sugar beet defoliator

... The Art’s Way High Speed Defoliator allows faster ground speeds and delivers a low maintenance product, providing years of value, production and trouble-free harvest time for you. Maximize efficiencies with the 6812D ...

sugar beet defoliator
sugar beet defoliator
FDS S-Series

Hydraulic Folding Wings allows machine width to be reduce to 13’ for transport and storage The Alloway FDS-Series Folding Sugar Beet Defoliator offers patented construction that folds ...

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Alloway Standard Industries, Inc.
sugar beet defoliator
sugar beet defoliator
3300 / 3500 / 3700

Amity Technology sugar beet defoliators lead the way with their simple, efficient design and innovations that are proven to clean the green from the sugar beet ...

See the other products
Amity Technology LLC
carrot haulm topper
carrot haulm topper

It is exactly the same machine as the thinning out machine, except a roll at the end of the machine. This roll follows the plastic sheet in order to not destroy it. It cleans the plastic films after the harvest in order to facilitate ...

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