- Farm Machinery >
- Harvesting >
- Tree shaker
Tree shakers
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With the fruit shaker OS you can save 30% time. Handling the cable shaker is easy to learn. The fruit shaker has been on the market for over 20 years and has been sold more than 5,500 ...
FEUCHT Obsttechnik GmbH

... for logs with a diameter of 5 to 25 cm are available for the shakers. VHM – Trunk shaker The VHM trunk shaker is the best-price variant for smaller ...
FEUCHT Obsttechnik GmbH

... much easier to attach the shaker to the tree. This results in enormous power and time savings, especially when shaking main branches. A telescopic rod with 2 x 100 cm stroke carries the shaker ...
FEUCHT Obsttechnik GmbH

... four people are needed: one tractor driver and 2-to 3 persons to handle the tree shaker. In case the trunk diameter of the tree is above 22 cm, we recommend PESTKA Trunk ...
JAGODA JPS Agromachines

... GACEK fruit tree shaker. Trees should be maintained much higher than in case of an orchard designed for manual harvesting. Tree shaker GACEK a modern solution was adopted ...
JAGODA JPS Agromachines

... hydraulic systems. The trunk shaker captures the tree trunk by paw grip and vibrates it. The collected fruits fall to screens that are spread under a tree (screens are ...
JAGODA JPS Agromachines

The self-propelled F3 is the Sicma’s top harvester, available with 2 engines, 90 or 103 kW FPT (Fiat Powertrain Technologies) engines, both Stage V. It is characterized by the independent 3-wheel drive and the rear steering wheel. The ...

... give the machine agility in reduced spaces while the telescopic arm and the hydraulic adjustments of the double jaws trunk shaker, facilitate the tightening of the trunks or the main branches. Equipped with 1.45 m ...

B411 Intensive is the compact self-propelled side-mounted trunk shaker specifically designed for the effective harvest of modern walnut, pecan, macadamia, almond and nut orchards. The B411 intensive has ...

... , quick-release from the vehicle, its agile handling, fast unloading or excellent visibility to make the attachments to the tree.

The VTS series is specially designed to overcome the limitations of rear collectors. This new series offers a totally different and innovative product with high specifications and great advantages for collecting nuts.

The VM-XT10 TRV series offers you a high performance product with great versatility and big advantages for harvesting almonds and olives. These machines are assembled on the arms of the loader and are conceived and designed to be able ...

MAJA AUTOMATIC- LK is the newest model of MAJA harvester. It is equipped with automatic folding and unfolding arched screen. This solution allows to reduce number of operating personell and the same reduce costs of production. Shaking ...
Weremczuk FMR Sp. z o.o.

The apple tree shaker harvester is used mainly in industrial apple production. The machine allows you to pick up fruits directly from the trees. Harvesting with the MAJA machine occurs as a result of ...
Weremczuk FMR Sp. z o.o.

... to harvest cherries, plums and other stone fruit growing in orchards cultivated in traditional way. The machine can be used for orchards with any distances between trees in a row. It guarantees almost 100% harvesting ...
Weremczuk FMR Sp. z o.o.

New shaker with integrated umbrella for nuts and olives If we mix technology, expertise and breaking technology, we get the new AutoPick GTi, born to reduce cost in favour of profits. - The essence of AutoPick GT vibration ...

... for sale or subsequent processing. •The machine acts directly on the tree trunk. •Can be used to harvest both olives and all types of nuts. •Can be adapted to shake all types of tree in all kinds of ...

Shaker for the collection of all types of nuts and olives The best work partner •Breaking established moulds as a system for picking olives and nuts •A single operator with a tractor is all that is needed to produce ...

•Simultaneous opening movement of umbrella and vibrating heads. •Independent regulation of the fold/ unfold speed of the umbrella. •High pressure hydraulic system with: •The orbital vibration block is reversible in two directions. ...

The TORNADO SMART model is a vibrating machine of new conception with innovative features, characterized by a frame of contained dimensions that allows it to have an agile and slender line. Designed and built specifically for olive harvesting, ...

The three-wheeled Moresil BM 300 Buggy is fitted with state-of-the-art technology that enables it to electronically control the movement and vibration of our olive, nuts and fruit trees (almond, nuts, pistachio…), making it possible to ...

The Magnum multi-purpose vehicle has been designed to perform all necessary tasks in the harvest of olives, nuts and fruit trees (almonds, pistachio, apples…) ensuring a profitable exploitation. The machine stands out for its great ...

... movements •Combining our experience and a high technology design, our vibrators get the maximum fruit without damaging the tree which ensure the future production Pantograph Arm The pantograph arm stands out for ...

H4000 tree shaking machine is designed far shaking olive, walnut, almond and all kinds of nuts' trees and alsa fruit trees. lts shaking capacity is 100 tree bodies per hour. TECHNICIAL SPECIFICATIONS Min. ...

... nuts, the tree shaker is a labor-saving and effective harvesting machine. The Fully Automatic tree shaker grabs the trunk, covers it and shakes just as hard as necessary. ...
Munckhof Fruit Tech Innovators

... (minimized) The height of the fruit tree is no longer a limiting factor (the height of the fruit tree no longer limits the operation of the machine) Conditions for mechanical harvesting - The height ...

... tractor to grip trees in rows up to 7.3 metres (24 feet) wide. The shaker head can be lifted or lowered to that the tree can be gripped anywhere on the trunk. Shaking action: The shaker ...
Tuthill Temperley

... Monoboom shaker comes with a standard 10 foot or optional 12 foot boom, allowing you to reach up there and shake the money from those limbs, even on your 20 year old pecan tree. New for 2017 – The Monoboom ...

The COE C7-E shaker pairs with a COE L2 receiver to form a catching frame set that can harvest fruit, nut, olives and other various crops. Its versatile deck design allows it to work in multiple tree ...
Coe Orchard Equipment, Inc.

... Bullet®. Drive from tree to tree with no need for backing and reduce soil compaction with our down-the-row shaker. The Bullet’s® rugged design is compact, yet powerful. It features heavy-duty ...
Orchard-Rite ®

The portable Shaker Brumirak allows tocollect olives or any other hanging fruit – almonds, pistachios and friuits for jams – in a fast and effortless way. Brumirak through a very high vibration’s number transmitted to ...

... The fruit shaker is attached to the trunk or branch with an 8 mm steel cable 12 m long. A strap is used as a fastener to protect the bark. And off you go for your use as an apple shaker, pear shaker, ...

... hydraulic shakers are characterised by the powerful, flexible gripper that is gentle to the bark. This grips the trunk firmly and shakes it. Annoying and above all dangerous climbing on the trees is no longer necessary. ...

... vibrate fruit trees: walnuts, plums, cherries, cider apples. Its star-shaped vibration has been thought to avoid hurting the tree while ensuring an optimal work. All its movements are hydraulic. Available in several ...
AMB Rousset

... Flexible scales mounted on elastic support 4 types of tree shakers available : •clamp shaker •continuous wheel shaker •side-support shaker with ...

... specifically to promote efficiency and speed in almond harvesting. It sets itself apart by offering excellent yields in almond tree plantations, as well as effective peeling and a large load capacity. The M6 line does ...

The Blue Bird olive shakers are the ideal tools for the collection of olives or hanging fruit such as walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds or apricots. The system – used by the olive shaker – to hook and shake ...

... of 6 m (19.5 ft), capturing fruit from large trees. The tree shaker clamp swivels to accommodate uneven ground levels. The shaker vibrating head is powered by a compact hydraulic motor. ...

... take-off shaft. Shaking with the tree is strong enough to throw away all the fruit, but not strong enough to impair tree root system and damage the tree. The machine includes a 10m steel ...
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