Excellent grazer
Excellent dryland performance
Highest protein and test weight in the CoAXium lineup
Very good FHB and stripe rust tolerance
A quantum leap in weed eradication
LCS Photon AX is a medium-tall, medium-early, high-tillering progeny of T158, with tolerance to Aggressor® herbicide. Coming from T158, it has good drought tolerance, and produces good quality grain. LCS Photon AX is moderately resistant to powdery mildew, soil-borne mosaic and stripe rust, but is susceptible to stem rust. LCS Photon AX is a great choice for a grazing program and has the highest test weight and protein out of all LCS varieties. This variety under high management and on irrigation can lodge. If you need to clean up winter annual grassy weeds and want to graze cattle through the fall and winter, hard red winter wheat LCS Photon AX is the one to pick.