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- DuPont Pioneer
DuPont Pioneer corn seeds
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... content silage • High grain yields and has potential for combining • Early flowering • Very good eyespot resistance • Flint grain texture so lower levels of rumen degradable starch Grown In The ...
DuPont Pioneer

... favourable and less favourable sites -Where early vigour and rapid early growth is important -For production of dry grain or grain for crimping on all but marginal sites Grown Using The Samco System -High ...
DuPont Pioneer

... Hybrid characteristics -Dent grain texture with fast ruminal starch degradability -Very high whole plant digestibility -Very high starch content Grown in the open -Widely adapted to all but the coldest maize ...
DuPont Pioneer

In trials over the last four years, and across many locations, this very early maturity hybrid gives excellent yields of very high starch content silage. It is most adapted to lighter soils where growers seek a high energy silage for ...
DuPont Pioneer

A reliable hybrid that adapts to many types of locations, it has very good early vigour and no major agronomic weaknesses and suitable even for growing under film in cold locations, or planting late. Hybrid Solutions Primary End Use Forage ...
DuPont Pioneer

P7948 is a new hybrid for 2020 and is suitable for sowing on favourable sites in the open, favourable sites and some less favourable sites situations under film. P7948 has very good standing ability and can produce a particularly large ...
DuPont Pioneer

An early maturity hybrid that combines very good early vigour with a tall growth habit, P7524 has given very high dry matter yields of good starch content and suits growers seeking to produce a large quantity of early to mature silage ...
DuPont Pioneer

P8200 is a tall, large stature, intermediate maturity hybrid ideally suited to cultivation on a wide range of sites under film. It is also suitable for sowing on favourable sites in the open, giving very high dry matter yields of silage ...
DuPont Pioneer

P8201 has given extremely high dry matter yields when grown under film. This very tall large stature hybrid can increase forage yields for growers on all but marginal situations using the Samco System. P8201 penetrates film easily Hybrid ...
DuPont Pioneer

DS1897B is a tall, late maturing very high yielding flint grain textured hybrid. As a late maturing hybrid, it is suited to favourable sites where a high dry matter yield is sought. DS1897B has good standing power and ...
DuPont Pioneer
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