- Farm Infrastructure >
- Building equipment >
- Boiler
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Power: 50, 100 kW
ECO POL industrial wood stoves are designed for fast and efficient heating of all types of industrial, agricultural and livestock premises. The equipment incorporates a large combustion hearth where firewood or woody waste is introduced. ...

Power: 30 kW
Greenhouses Boiler: 500 lt Hopper: 3,5 m3 Biomass Heater complete of isolated BOX, ready to be positioned on the outside
Clim.Air.50 s.r.l.

Power: 40 kW
Biomass Heater, complete of isoleted BOX, ready to be positioned on the outside
Clim.Air.50 s.r.l.

Power: 60 kW
Biomass Heater THB-M60 complete of water heat echanger and isolated BOX, ready to be positioned on the outside
Clim.Air.50 s.r.l.

After years of tests and developments, we are happy to present our 1MW woodchip boiler (1 MW of thermal output). This boiler has been coupled to a MECMAR S35 grain dryer in dual drive mode so that ...

Power: 30 kW
Ala-Talkkari's heating boiler, Veto 30 biomass boiler is mainly intended for heating private houses and small premises. The new red-black appearance ensures that this boiler is pleasing ...
Veljekset Ala-Talkkari Oy

... Our optional Walking Floor System makes feeding our boilers easier than ever. It is fully-automated and integrated directly into the boiler control system for consistent fuel feeding. TGF boilers ...
Triple Green Products

Biomass-fired heat & power plants of 8-25MWt, 1-10MWe. Utilizing wood waste to produce renewable heat, power, and bioCO2 with carbon capture. Features •1-10MWe, 8-25MWt, for sawmills, wood working, timber industry, district heating, ...

Power: 25 kW - 100 kW
... touch screen display allows direct, intuitive and complete control of the entire boiler. The innovative electronic board allows complete programming and customization. The boiler can be managed remotely ...
Pasqualicchi srl

Axinar Pellet Boiler’s design ensures the best possible efficiency and construction quality, at a low price Axinar boiler has five vertical flue gas paths ensuring the lack of flue gas from ash or combustion ...

Ideal for hotel, motel, hospital, club and others. •Completely manufactured in AISI 304 stainless steel; •High corrosion resistance; •Better heat exchange resulting in low firewood consumption; •Low maintenance cost; •Easy cleaning ...

Power: 25,000 W - 115,000 W
In agricultural, industrial and civil sectors, it is spreading the conviction that some of those materials described today as “scraps” can on the contrary be utilized as an outstanding source of alternative energy. Manufactured with ...
Mabre S.r.l.

... . Renovation of the boiler room Next to taking care of a complete new technical equipment of you boiler room, you can also count on our service for the renovation of your existing boiler ...

... efficiency of a condensing boiler while maximizing growing space. Condensing boilers increase heating efficiency by reducing energy costs and saving growing space in the process. 99% thermal efficiency ...

Greenhouse heating systems are generally divided into hydronic boiler heating system, electric fan and ground source heat pump heating. Hydronic boiler heating is more balanced, after the boiler ...

Power: 15, 20, 25, 30 kW
... metre (HDG R15) ✓Log wood up to 1/2 metre (HDG R20-30) Fields of application: ✓Single-family houses ✓Ideal as a side-boiler
HDG Bavaria GmbH Heizsysteme für Holz

... Thermally isolated; Hot water boiler is equipped with an electric heater; Filled under pressure of no less than 3 BAR/43.5 PSI, not exceeding 4 BAR/ 58 PSI (standard cold tap water supply pressure); Hot water boiler ...

Power: 32 kW - 138 kW
... months. After drying the bales can be shredded with BALECHIPPER, that turns them into small chips of the right size for the boilers THERMOSYSTEM CHIP LINE.

Power: 0.3 kW
Hot water generator. Heats cold water, indispensable where hot water is needed for more effective cleaning.
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