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- Fruit fertilizer
Fruit fertilizers
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... the incidence of cracking and sunburn. It extends shelf life in post-harvest and enhances the organoleptic quality of the fruit. It improves soil structure, exhibits rooting effects, and promotes beneficial soil microorganisms. ...
Quimsa ITW

Complex mineral-organic system obtained from enzymatic hydrolysis of blood in NPK formulation. It contains a balanced mixture of organic nitrogen and salts of phosphorus and potassium, 100% absorbable natural chelated iron, humic extract, ...
Quimsa ITW

Mineral-organic system effective against iron chlorosis. Obtained from enzymatic hydrolysis of animal origin and strongly enriched with highly soluble iron chelate. It ensures maximum protection and availability of iron for the plant. ...
Quimsa ITW

... Sulfur, fundamental nutrients for the development of plants. Magnesium is crucial for photosynthesis and filling of grains and fruits. 4. Optimization of calcium/magnesium relationship: It contributes to the nutritional ...

... It is a natural fertilizer that improves the porosity of the soil to favor the circulation of agya, which allows the roots to grow stronger and deeper and make the most of the nutrients in the soil and those provided ...


... vital for chlorophyll and protein synthesis. WHAT TO EXPECT Depending on crop, OMEX 3X can be used to support flower and fruit set, berry size, sugar content, promoting canopy development and plant health while delaying ...

... beet as well as improving the taste of the fruits (increasing its perceived sweetness). Application: The fertilizer is designed for foliar feeding or soil application of both agricultural, vegetable ...
Przedsiebiorstwo ARKOP Sp. z o.o.

... a metabolic activator, it is part of the cell walls, and it is important for the quality of the pulp; the second improves fruit setting and reduces drupe dropping; zinc affects nitrogen metabolism and phosphorus absorption. ATHENA ...

... calcium deficiencies Best to apply during fruit / vegetable development stage Toughens cell walls Extra potassium content increases fruit size Improved foliar uptake extends access to microelements Prevents ...

... unbalance of fruits and vegetables Actiflow Ca560 helps improve the quality of fruit and vegetables, shelf life and their resistance to shocks and bruises. Actiflow Ca560 is a ready for use liquid product ...

NP complex fertilizer with emphasis on phosphorus for spring application to promote growth and to maximise P uptake. -Application in the “neighborhood” of the seed guarantees faster development of the root -Higher ...

Brunnings All Purpose NPK Fertiliser is a premium, fully granular NPK complex fertiliser that contains both slow release and fast acting ingredients for quick results and extended feeding. -Ideal for use on indoor and outdoor potted ...


Plant health: a safe bet Plants are living organisms whose every need must be met. Trace elements are naturally part of these needs, but their balance, in the reality of crops, is frequently negative. There is then a degradation ...

What is Bio·Bloom? Hoping for exuberant flowers that lead to tasty fruits? Then this complete liquid organic fertilizer, as its name suggests, is what you need. It contains the optimum blend of nitrogen, ...

Soluble NPK fertilizer for nutrigation and foliar spray Poly-Feed™ GG is a range of rich, balanced fertilizers for soil and soilless greenhouse crops, suitable for NutrigationTM (Fertigation) with water ...
Haifa North West Europe

Copper solution complexed with amino acids. -AHelps correct the typical symptoms of copper deficiency states -Acts effectively in metabolic processes -Enhances the effect of phytosanitary active substances -It favors the control ...

... POTAMAX is essential for good fruit development in terms of size, colour and flavour, thereby enhancing the final quality and improving the appearance of the fruit. POTAMAX also helps strengthen the ...
Quimicas Meristem S.L.

... development, even in limiting conditions (stress, low temperatures…). •Improve rooting and vegetative development. •Boost fruit development, increasing the final yield. Declared content Free amino acids 7,0 % w/w Total ...

... soil quality - Eliminâtes pests - Controls plant growth - Accélérâtes the growth of roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and fruit. - Safe for human and animal health - Envlronmentally frlendly - Application and ...

-Improves flowering and fruit set. -Delivers superior yields with improved quality and long shelf life -Completely soluble in water (160 gm/L) Content - Percentage Nitrogen (N) - 6% Phosphorus (P₂O₅) - 6% Potassium ...

AMINO ULTRA is a group of micronutrient fertilizers containing glycine - an organic chelating agent, which is naturally used by plants in the process of micronutrient transport. AMINO ULTRA fertilizers ...
INTERMAG Sp. z o.o.

... facilitate the correction of its deficiency. The application of RIZOBACTER® PK makes it possible to reduce the use of synthetic fertilizers. In addition, it generates a biostimulant effect on crops that optimizes their ...

... market, is a high quality dripping fertilizer that contains EVA+P chelate Brief description of EVA+P chelate technology: E= Enzymes, V= Vitamins, A= Amino acids, P= N-promotors that is high quality dripping fertilizer ...

... enhances the metabolism of minerals to positively impact the ripening stage. Use throughout the blooming cycle with every fertilizer application/nutrient change. Application Rate: 500g makes 1900L of solution. ...

SUSTANE 4-6-4 Suståne® 4-6-4 All Natural Granulated Slow Release Nitrogen Fertilizer Organic Plant Starter and Soil Builder Description: All-purpose slow release fertilizer for landscaped areas, ...
Suståne Natural Fertilizer Inc

... develop more fruit. DESCRIPTION Cellmax PK- Booster Professional Booster for Flowers & Fruits. Cellmax PK Booster is a high quality product, based on pure Phosphorus and Potassium, this product ...
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